The Path to Bachelors Grove

BGC Ghost Box Session 1 Part 2

This page is under construction.

More videos to be posted in this area.

Scroll down the page for more videos.

                   Thank you.

Matt Knudsen is founder and lead investigator of "South side Paranormal Society" of  Chicago IL.

He is also a "believer",friend and supporter of Bachelors Grove Cemetery, Matt has captured some pretty amazing "evidence" with a P-SB7 Spirit Box -ITC Device.

Below are just a few of his "convincing Captures" from Bachelors Grove Cemetery.

Hit the link to the right to go to Matt's South side Paranormal Society Facebook page.


Hit the link below to check out Andy's awesome ghost box creations.

Make sure you also view the videos !!!

Introduction to Andy's Box

BGC Ghost Box Session 1 Part 3

Please bare with us as we continue building this page!!

It is officially under construction as of

12/25/16 until further notice!! Thank You!

Updated 1-26-2022

BGC Ghost Box Session 1 Part 1

The Path To Bachelors Grove

Watch our Bachelors Grove Ghost box Sessions

from our Youtube channel!

Box by Andrew  Openlander of 

Chicago Spiritwave @ Youtube